Type * (asterisk) for the solid star
Type | (vertical bar) for the rainbow
Type \ (backslash) for the sparkle
Type _ (underscore) for the unicorn
Type ^ (circumflex) for the solid heart
Type < (less="" than)="" for="" the="" open="" star="">
Type > (greater than) for the open heart
Type [] (brackets) for the swashes
Type () (parentheses) for the wings
Font name: |
Unicorn Sparkles
  (0 reviews)
Categories | Handwriting |
Author: | Misti's Fonts |
License: | Free for Personal Use |
Website: | http://www.mistifonts.com |
Files: | 2 |
Views: | 60 |
Downloads: | 7 |
Unicorn Sparkles - OTF.otf

Unicorn Sparkles - TTF.ttf