Meme Code 39 HR
Meme Code 39 HR
Meme Code 39 HR
Version 1.01 1998 (Not for Commercial Use)
MemeScan is a registered trademark
Manuel E. de la Torre
Meme Code 39 with HR font
mailto:[email protected]
Meme Code 39 Text font is a free font and may be used by any number of users on any number of systems without fee or obligation, subject only to the terms and conditions laid out below. Meme Code 39 Text fonts is NOT in the public domain - the author, Manuel E. de la Torre, retains ownership and copyright, and exclusively reserves all rights to the font. In countries where assertion of the right to be identified as the author is required for copyright purposes, Manuel E. de la Torre asserts his right to be recognized as the author and owner of the Meme Code 39 Text fonts and all its associated components.