RolfSkyberg: Jotterscript: 1998
Jotterscript Medium
1999; 1.2, second release
Jotterscript is a trademark of Rolf Skyberg.
Rolf Skyberg mailto:[email protected]
Jotterscript � 1999 Rolf Skyberg What should I make for my first font? My own handwriting of course. This is my first attempt at typography, using Softy. I always thought that it would be fun to have a font of my own handwriting, and now I do. I scanned this puppy in, and 5 hours later I was done. I hope you like it, I certainly do.
Rolf's Odds And Ends
Use of Jotterscript: -------------------------------------------------------------------- If you use this font for monetary gain, please pay $5 to the creator for its use. If you are making a a buck off this font, share the wealth with the guy who made it, me. Distribution: -------------------------------------------------------------------- This font is NOT to be redistributed without the express consent of the creator, who can be reached at [email protected] Please do not change it, and include this documentation. If you would like to include it on your website or compilation CD, please e-mail me at the address, below. Because, hey, I want to know where this thing goes. I'll be more than happy to approve. mailto:[email protected]
mailto:[email protected]