FretQwikCRegularFretQwikC: 2004FretQwikCVersion 2.40 2004FretQwikCDesigned by an amateur: Free, and worth it!Robert Allgeyer (Santa Cruz, CA USA)This is version 2.41, with added mini-Roman numerals.
FretQwik is a special-purpose font for creating guitar fret diagrams as if they were text. The ASCII character range (keyboard characters) are the same as would be found in an ordinary text font. But in the upper code range, FretQwik has symbols that can be pieced together to form most common tablature diagrams. These characters can be selected from a character map utility, preferably one with 16 columns.
How to use it: Using a character map, look for the fret grid symbol (it is at code location decimal 0176). Above the fret grid, at code 0160, is the non-breaking space.
In the column adjacent to the fret grid, there are dots representing finger positions. In the same row as the non-breaking space there is an open circle positioned above the fret grid. Below it is a filled circle at the first finger position, and so on down the column.
Begin with a fret grid. Place a dot for the first string. Move to the next string using the non-breaking space. Place a dot for the second string. Continue. You may omit a dot on any string, but you must use the non-breaking space to move from string to string.
You may also place arcs across the strings. An arc is placed at its leftmost point. Arcs in the same row as the non-breaking space will be positioned above the fret grid. Moving down the rows, arcs move further down the fretboard. The width of arcs varies from the full width of the fretboard (in the column adjacent to the dots), down to merely spanning adjacent strings.
There are also some other symbols useful for spelling the chord name.
This font was derived (modified) by Robert Allgeyer using Bitstream Charter Type 1 font distributed under free public license as part of Ghostscript. The following permission accompanies the distribution: "(c) Copyright 1989-1992, Bitstream Inc., Cambridge, MA. You are hereby granted permission under all Bitstream propriety rights to use, copy, modify, sublicense, sell, and redistribute the 4 Bitstream Charter (r) Type 1 outline fonts and the 4 Courier Type 1 outline fonts for any purpose and without restriction; provided, that this notice is left intact on all copies of such fonts and that Bitstream's trademark is acknowledged as shown below on all unmodified copies of the 4 Charter Type 1 fonts. BITSTREAM CHARTER is a registered trademark of Bitstream Inc."Free public license.
This font is offered AS-IS, with NO WARRANTY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, and no support. User accepts all risk of use.