Fontenay Fancy
Fontenay Fancy kk
Fontenay Fancy kk
Version 1.01 May 26, 2012
Lewis F. Day
A Lewis F. Day's Modern Fancies revival. Only Western Latin characters and accented characters, numerals and basic interpunction. Smallest read size 18 pt.
Redistribution of this font is not allowed without the written consent of the copyright holder, koeiekat. Free for strictly private use only. Use for any other purpose, including web embedding requires a license. Contact koeiekat at The @ :) Private use: Any use that is strictly private and not in any way related to commercial activities, not-for-profit included. Examples: A personal website or blog that does not contain advertisements or pay-per-click links, your school homework or course work, your own birthday or other invitations (made and printed by you), family scrapbooks and so on. Not private use: Any use that is not strictly private. Thus any use related to anything that has a commercial purpose, including non-profit. Examples: Business websites, portfolio websites, school websites, church websites, logos, business cards, letterheads, brochures, leaflets, posters, merchandise, t-shirts, books, magazines, retail packaging, advertisements, TV broadcast and movie credits and so on.
Have fun and ... be nice to the cats