La police est inspir�e � et digitalis�e � partir � d'un exercice contenu dans 'The Zanerian Manual of Alphabets and Engrossing", ouvrage lui-m�me digitalis� par David Grimes (
Les majuscules sont assez fid�lement retravaill�es, j'ai imagin� et cr�� le reste � minuscules, chiffres, ponctuation et symboles.
Le caf�-concert est � la base un estaminet-salle de concert au XIXe si�cle synonyme � l'�poque au "music-hall" anglais. L'�ge d'or du "caf'conc'" se situe aux alentours de 1900, la "Belle �poque", celle de la floraison de l'Art Nouveau que cette fonte est cens�e illustrer.
This font is inspired by � and digitized from � an exercise in penmanship from "The Zanerian Manual of Alphabets and Engrossing", book digitized by David Grimes (
The uppercase letters are quite faithfully rendered, the rest � lowercase, figures, punctuation and symbols � are my creation.
The French Caf�-concert � also named "Caf� chantant" was a type of musical establishment, equivalent to the English "music-hall". The Golden age of the "caf'conc'" is round 1900, the "Belle �poque", also the time of the flowering of Art Nouveau, which this font tries to illustrate.
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  (0 reviews)
Categories | Retro, Fancy |
Author: | Yves Michel |
License: | Free for Personal Use |
Files: | 3 |
Views: | 0 |
Downloads: | 0 |
![Caf�-concert font preview](/viewfont/data/2025/02/05/caf-concert/Caf�-concert.ttf.png)