Born Font

Font name: Born
  (10 reviews)
Categories Various, Sans Serif
Files: 3
Views: 830
Downloads: 287

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Born font preview

Font release note

BornCarlosdeToroHernando: Born: 2013BornVersion 1.001BornBorn is a trademark of Carlos de Toro Hernando.Carlos de Toro HernandoCarlos de Toro HernandoCopyright (c) 2013 by Carlos de Toro Hernando. All rights reserved.| ENGLISH |


Born is a humanistic typeface that is based on traditional calligraphic forms, but with some new features in its endings, strokes and drops, that provide a more open, fresh and actual look. It also has a big X height, so it offers a high legibility even at small sizes.


Carlos de Toro is a graphic designer from Logro�o (Spain) now(2013) based in Barcelona, and a type lover, Born is his first typography. >[email protected]


You can:

-Use this typography in your personal works

-Use this typography in commercial works

-Share this typography

You can't:

-Redistribute this typography by other way or different websites (except if you have the author's permission)

-Modify this typeface and its dissemination


You can download this typeface totally free, so I ask you to do it using the following button (Pay with a Tweet), it'll publish a tweet or a Facebook update, so the typography can reach more people. Also if you think that Born has been useful for you, or if you love it, it's also possible to make a donation via Paypal as acknowledgment, this will help me to continue creating new typefaces in the future.



Born es una tipograf�a humanista que sigue las formas caligr�ficas tradicionales en su base pero con algunas novedades en sus remates, trazos y gotas que aportan un aspecto m�s abierto, fresco y actual. Adem�s posee una elevada altura de x, de modo que ofrece una alta legibilidad incluso a tama�os peque�os


Carlos de Toro es un dise�ador gr�fico de Logro�o (Espa�a) actualmente(2013) en Barcelona, y un amante de la tipograf�a; Born es su primera tipograf�a.>[email protected]



-Usar esta tipograf�a en dise�os de car�cter personal

-Usar esta tipograf�a en dise�os comerciales

-Compartir esta tipograf�a

No puedes:

-Redistribuir la tipograf�a por otro medio o p�gina diferente a la presente (exceptuando si cuenta con el permiso del autor)

-Modificar esta tipograf�a y su difusi�n


Puedes descargar esta tipograf�a de forma totalmente gratuita, para ello simplemente te pido hacerlo mediante el siguiente bot�n (Pay with a Tweet) , que publicar� un Tweet o una publicaci�n en tu Facebook, de modo que la tipograf�a puede llegar a m�s personas. Adem�s si consideras que Born te ha sido �til, tambi�n es posible realizar una donaci�n v�a Paypal como agradecimiento, ello me ayudar� a seguir creando nuevas tipograf�as sucesoras de Born.Regular

Tags: Born, Various, Sans Serif

Characters sample

Font Born preview

Font archive files

# File name Size Download
1 Born.otf 60KB Download
2 born.png 614B Download
3 born.ttf 34.2KB Download
4 born.woff 14.3KB Download
5 Born.woff 34KB Download